
  • 新着情報 NEWS


    Global Zone Porteへようこそ!-- Let’s learn about the Language LOFT Stamp Card --

    2015年10月31日(土) 共通教育新着情報

    At Konan, we believe that EVERY student should have plenty of chances to prepare for success in our globalized world. This is why we recently opened our new Global Zone Porte – it is an inviting place for experiencing culture and foreign languages outside of classrooms.

    One part of the Global Zone is called Language LOFT. In the LOFT, we use English for chatting, playing games, mini-lectures, and so on.


    Every first-year student at Okamoto Campus receives a Language LOFT Stamp Card. You receive a stamp each time that you visit the LOFT and use English for one hour or more.


    The goal is to collect 10 stamps, and these 10 stamps count as 10% of your grade in the College English Speaking course that all first-year students are required to take.


    So when you come to Konan University, visit us often in the Language LOFT of Global Zone Porte! Teachers, tutors, exchange students, and other Konan students are waiting to talk with you in English!

    Facebookの場合は「Konan University - Global Zone Porte」で検索してください。

    (文責・国際言語文化センター英語担当 トーマス・マック)